What makes an area liveable?

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What makes an area liveable?

When investing in property, many factors must be considered. One important factor that is often overlooked is the liveability of the area in which the property is located. Liveability refers to the quality of life a particular area offers its residents, considering access to amenities, transport, and community services. In this blog, we’ll explore why liveability should be a key consideration for property investors.

Why Liveability Matters

There are several reasons why liveability matters when it comes to property investment. Firstly, a liveable area is likely to attract more tenants, which can help to ensure a steady rental income stream. Tenants are more likely to be attracted to places that offer a good quality of life, with access to amenities such as parks, shops, and public transport.

Secondly, a liveable area will likely experience stronger capital growth over the long term. Property prices will likely rise as demand for property in a liveable area increases. This can result in capital gains for investors looking to sell their property.

Finally, investing in a liveable area can help to future-proof your investment. As cities grow and evolve, places that offer a high quality of life will likely remain in demand, making them a safer investment choice over the long term.

What Makes an Area Liveable?

Several factors contribute to the liveability of an area, including:

Access to Amenities
Areas with good access to amenities like shops, cafes, schools, and parks will likely be more liveable. Tenants are more likely to be attracted to places that offer a wide range of amenities within easy reach.

Transport Links
Areas with good transport links are also likely to be more liveable. Tenants are more likely to be attracted to places that offer easy access to public transport, making it easy to get around without a car.

Community Services
Areas that offer a range of community services, such as libraries, community centres, and sports facilities, are also likely to be more liveable. These services help to create a sense of community and make an area more attractive to potential tenants.

Safety is also an important factor in determining an area’s liveability. Areas perceived as safe will likely attract potential tenants, especially families with children.

When it comes to property investment, it’s important to consider the liveability of the area in which the property is located. A liveable area will likely attract more tenants, experience stronger capital growth, and be a safer investment choice over the long term. Factors such as access to amenities, transport links, community services, and safety should be considered. With the right approach, property investment can be a lucrative and rewarding way to build long-term wealth.

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