Become an Introducer

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Approximately 70% of the finance we arrange is introduced to us by professionals who value the service we provide.

These days, Accountants, Bankers and Business Advisers have become the ‘go to‘ place for information and be able to introduce clients to a full range of business services and that includes where to find funding.

By working with us, you can go that extra mile to source the right type of funding for your clients.  We can help blend the funding too if one source is not enough, so let us help you to help your clients

Did you know?

  • Our consultants have backgrounds in Accounting and Banking and are used to treating clients on a professional level.  We have always done so.
  • There is no cross sell, we only arrange the finance, we do not offer audit, taxation or financial services.
  • We keep introducers informed of progress regularly
  • We have access to significantly more funders than most professionals, so we are often able to provide a solution if the bank is unable to assist.
  • Unlike many finance brokers, we do not charge up – front fees to your client – or any other client for that matter !
  • We are member of the NACFB (National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers) and are bound by a strict code of conduct.
  • We are authorised and regulated by the FCA

Let’s keep our funding local, and hopefully more personal – doing this will also help the Bank to keep (what would otherwise be disappointed) customers and aid retention.

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    This site covers Business Finance and Property Finance. Visit Sterling Capital Reserve for our Corporate Finance services