
Partner with Sterling Commercial Finance: Empowering Accountants to Support Clients with MBO Finance and Advice As an accountant, you are crucial to your clients’ business journeys. Your expertise and guidance.
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The Growth Guarantee Scheme (GGS) is a UK government initiative to boost small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lending. Through this scheme, the government provides a 70% guarantee to lenders on.
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Have you received a "no" from the bank when seeking finance for your business? Is long-term loyalty not being reciprocated? Are umbrellas only for sunny days?
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Why do so many clients choose not to use a broker? I offer three reasons, which all come down to awareness and image.
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Whilst Asset Finance is commonplace for purchase of Plant and Machinery / Office equipment, it can fall down when trying to fund computer hardware and software. This new product specifically.
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In the first instance, perhaps we should explain Asset-Based Lending (ABL). This is a generic term given to multiple different disciplines that look at funding specific types of assets, including.
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While your bank might be a familiar choice for commercial funding, there are alternative options that could better suit your needs and offer additional benefits. Using a broker like Sterling.
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Which option is right for your business? Let's take a closer look at invoice finance vs. traditional loans.
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As a business owner, managing cash flow can be daunting. This is where invoice finance comes into play.
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