Healthcare Finance for Dentists

Healthcare Finance for Dentists

From starting up a new practice, funding equipment and buying into an established dental practice, Sterling Commercial Finance recognise that the needs of Dentists are unique and can tailor financial solutions to match your needs.

We have the solutions and would welcome the opportunity to talk to you to see your business plans and how the team can help.

We can help if you are:-

  • A dentist wishing to purchase your own dental practice.
  • Established dentists looking to build a group of dental practices by acquisition.
  • An already-established dentist wishing to finance an expansion or purchase additional practices.
  • A dentist looking to buy out a partner.
  • A new or established dental practice requiring finance for new equipment?
  • A dental practice looking for practice funding.
  • A dental practice disillusioned with your current financial lender.
  • A dentist buying into an expense sharing partnership.


Banks have always been comfortable in lending up to 80% of the goodwill and 100% of the freehold premises value and that still remains. Some but not all will, for the right person who is able to show they are experienced including being able to evidence they are able to manage a practice –  can comfortably undertake the work required including fee generation the right business, look at applications for 100% LTV funding especially where there is a large NHS contract element and or very significant capitation scheme in place.

Steve Divall, our healthcare finance consultant, is an ex-specialist healthcare banker with over 20 years experience working for one of the major specialist healthcare lenders looking after dentists and other healthcare professionals just like you.

The ability to convince a lender that you are that person and this is the right deal is where Sterling Commercial Finance can help.

You can be confident that we will source an appropriate funding structure for you.

Types of Dentists:

  • NHS (Contract issued by the CQC)
    Generally up to 80% LTV for business and 100% for freehold premises. For the “right deal” we have seen higher percentage funding for business purchase (100% LTV) although over recent years this has been the exception.
  • Private
    General dentistry and specialist procedures like implants, extractions, cosmetics and orthodontics. Importantly lenders will want to know what proportion of fee income is from capitation eg denplan and what % of income is fee per item. This will generally drive appetite percentage LTV for business purchase. Up to 80% for business purchase and 100% for freehold property. Again for the right deal we have seen higher percentage for business purchase but this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Mixed
    Depends on the mixture however lenders generally like to see more than 50% NHS contract together with more than 25% capitation. Or could be more than 50% capitation.
  • Orthodontics and other specialists
    Often a specialist practice on its own, but can be done by your own dentist if qualified. Generally 80% LTV for business and 100% freehold practice premises.
  • Cosmetics
    Lenders are unlikely to go as high as 80% LTV, often much lower, for business purchases but will usually consider up to 100% LTV for freehold premises


Whilst lenders appear to have a policy limit on the unsecured element we have seen very significant unsecured funding for the right target right business and right client.

Funding for GPs
Funding for Dentists
Funding for Vets
Funding for Pharmacies

Make an Enquiry

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    Discuss your Healthcare Finance needs with Nick on 0115 9849800 or email

    This site covers Business Finance and Property Finance. Visit Sterling Capital Reserve for our Corporate Finance services

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